A. How to Understand GS Syllabus:
We have tried to explain the syllabus in easiest way possible so that you get an overall idea regarding that particular section. Reading it will help you understand what that particular subject is demanding from you. This does not mean it will tell you micro subtopics to study neither it is crafted to demonstrate the subtopics. There are various documents available in a market by various coaching where they have given subtopics that come under particular section.
Note: Do not misunderstand by assuming that this guide will give you micro subtopics. I’ve avoided giving subtopics since its already available.
The motto behind this simplification is to give you a basic idea of what exactly you have to study with respect to that particular section, the overview of the section. Read it and analyze. If you read it from start to end with apt focus it will help you understand the demand of examination and how you must approach it.
B. Simplified GS Syllabus Details:
• ESSAY: The UPSC Mains Essay paper consists of a total of 8 Essays out of which two essays need to be attempted within 3 hours in the 1000–1200- word limit each.
• The essay paper is divided into two sections: A and B. Each section has a choice of 4 essays and the aspirant has to choose only one essay from each section.
• Each Essay carries 125 marks and the total marks allotted for the paper is 250 marks.
• The instructions are mentioned in the syllabus which specifies that the Aspirant is expected to keep their thoughts close to the subject and arrange their ideas accordingly.